Saturday, May 19, 2012

2- #1: Goodbye Ricky (Lucy) #2: THE FIRST EGG!!!

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!

#1- Goodbye Ricky (Lucy)
Lately Lucy has been being really mean to the hens. She still hasn't crowed yet. So we don't know if she is just a very protective OR she is a rooster. We were puzzled. One morning I woke up and heard a really weird sound. It wasn't the hens they were still in the coop so I looked out the window, and I saw Lucy walking around outside. i just stood there watching her walk around when she stretched her head  out funny, and made a ERR ERR ER! It wasn't a full out "cock-a-doodle-doo" but she was really trying. So we decided that she needed to go, so we all said our goodbyes, and off it was with Lou. I cried. But I was happy that she got to go to our friends house to live there, with 23 girls. He has it all.

Here are some pictures of me saying bye to my Ricky,

Even though he was kind of mean he is
SO pretty with his blue tail feathers.

It was SO cute I looked at him and he turned
his head and looked at me. :-)

With my orange nail polish on,
he thought they were tomato's. :-)


He just makes me smile. I
love my Ricky. :-)


Well that is goodbye Ricky........ on to the next!


Today as I was heading somewhere I put the chickens in their run, and the smaller chickens back in their box. (the babies and the big girls are getting along now!! We put them out together but they're not quite ready to have them all live in the coop together yet. We think Ricky was the instigator of pecking the babies)  As I was putting them in I only saw Daisy. I thought Lorsey was just probably under the coop in the shade, I looked she wasn't there i looked just briefly in the coop, she wasn't there. So I looked in the nest box and there she was laying down in the nesting box!!!! I didn't disturb her I just left her be and we left. We came back about 6 hours later and there was a storm. After the storm I went out to check on the chickens with my mom to see if the inside of their coop got wet. While I was checking the run and the hens my mom says to me after shutting the nesting box lid
 "Ruthie Lynn, come over here and look in the nesting box" at first I thought something was wrong, but I went over there, opened the lid and I saw the most amazing thing. A small little brown egg!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! It was Lorsey, she laid they first egg! YAY for Lorsey!!!

I cleaned it off, and to me it was the most beautiful egg I ever saw! I am going to poke a hole in the end of it, and have the yolk drain out, and hang it on a string so that I can always have The First Egg.

Here are some pictures of the egg and me after I cleaned it.

This picture above is before I cleaned it.
To me even before I cleaned I thought 
it was pretty! You can see how big
it is compared to my sisters hand.

Here I am cleaning it.....

Here is the egg after I cleaned it.

Here it is all clean. ;-)

And here it is in the palm of my hand, that's how big it is
compared to my hand.

Well that is all, God bless.
Ruthie Lynn.

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