Thursday, September 6, 2012

#1- 5 Eggs a day!/ #2- Happy Chickens! :)

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!

#1-  5 Eggs a day

I am proud to announce that all of my chickens are laying!
So we get 5 eggs a day now!
I am so impressed with my girls!

Well here are some pictures of the eggs we got today!

Here are the 5 eggs we got today!
The egg on the far left is Daisy's then Bertie's
then Ethel's then Lorsey's and then Sybil's!
Above is Daisy's (left) compared to Bertie's (right).
Daisy's Eggs are taller and darker, Lorseys eggs
are taller an a little bit lighter than
Daisy's. Bertie's are lighter and rounder,
Ethel's are almost as tall as Lorseys
and are lighter almost white, and
Sybil's are round and darker.

Here is Daisy's (left) again compared to Ethel's (right)
It is so cool how created Chickens and their eggs!
#2- Happy Chickens!!
Some times we let are chickens out to forage in the garden, and it is SO funny to watch them!
So here are a couple of pictures of them foraging.

Bertie. Planning escape! :)
The Rhode Island Reds are so funny
to watch them forage!
Lorsey posing for the camera! :)
Happy Chickens.
 Daisy is so pretty in the green!

Ethel loves being in the mint! She is
so funny!
Sybil is so pretty!
Well hope you enjoyed!
God Bless,
Ruthie Lynn


Monday, July 9, 2012

Keeping Chickens Cool 101

Hi Welcome back to the Chicken Coop

This week has been SO hot!

My Chickens are hot too. They spread their wings out and pant. All day.

So I was getting a little nervous like what if my chickens get dehydrated? or What if they don’t drink enough water? I did some research and I found out a couple of things to do to keep

chickens cool.

So here are some things to do to keep Chickens cool and happy. :)

1. It is really important that you make sure your Chickens have fresh,cool water. I would suggest getting them new water every 45 minutes to an hour depending on how hot it is.

2. If you take your hose that has a attachment turn it to mist and spray them. It helps a lot and after the first couple days they even started to like it. :)

So I would say mist them every 45 minutes to an hour too.

3. In the back of my Chicken Coop I have a square door to put the water and food in. We have a box fan that fits perfectly in the back door, so we just stick that in the back door and then the air

blows through the coop into the run. It helps a lot , especially if there is no breeze.

4. Put buckets of cold water on the ground I even sometimes put ice cubes in it. Then they can go in there and get their feet wet and that can help

cool them down too.

5. Food- On hot days like 85 degrees or higher, your chickens will really like food that contains water such as watermelon (my girls’ favorite :) is really

good for chickens on hot days because it contains so much water.

Here are a couple pictures of my Chickens. DSC08546




Well that is all for now!

~Ruthie Lynn~ a.k.a. Chicken Mama

Monday, May 21, 2012

Egg #2

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!
Lorsey laid another egg!! And Daisy laid an egg too! Daisy's egg didn't have an shell but that is OK. It was her first egg so that is normal. The egg Lorsey laid today was bigger then the one she laid on Saturday.Cool!! It was funny when Daisy laid her egg she was just walking around and she got really big and she was spreading her legs apart and out came the egg! It was really funny and cool to see the egg be laid!! Here are some pictures of the egg laid on Saturday compared to the one laid today! The one that was laid today is a lot bigger than the egg laid on Saturday.

Here the eggs are side by side the one on the left
is the one laid on Saturday and the one on the right is
the one laid Today.

And here are the eggs together when I am holding
them both together. I think you can guess which is which. :)

Have a blessed day, Ruthie Lynn.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

2- #1: Goodbye Ricky (Lucy) #2: THE FIRST EGG!!!

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!

#1- Goodbye Ricky (Lucy)
Lately Lucy has been being really mean to the hens. She still hasn't crowed yet. So we don't know if she is just a very protective OR she is a rooster. We were puzzled. One morning I woke up and heard a really weird sound. It wasn't the hens they were still in the coop so I looked out the window, and I saw Lucy walking around outside. i just stood there watching her walk around when she stretched her head  out funny, and made a ERR ERR ER! It wasn't a full out "cock-a-doodle-doo" but she was really trying. So we decided that she needed to go, so we all said our goodbyes, and off it was with Lou. I cried. But I was happy that she got to go to our friends house to live there, with 23 girls. He has it all.

Here are some pictures of me saying bye to my Ricky,

Even though he was kind of mean he is
SO pretty with his blue tail feathers.

It was SO cute I looked at him and he turned
his head and looked at me. :-)

With my orange nail polish on,
he thought they were tomato's. :-)


He just makes me smile. I
love my Ricky. :-)


Well that is goodbye Ricky........ on to the next!


Today as I was heading somewhere I put the chickens in their run, and the smaller chickens back in their box. (the babies and the big girls are getting along now!! We put them out together but they're not quite ready to have them all live in the coop together yet. We think Ricky was the instigator of pecking the babies)  As I was putting them in I only saw Daisy. I thought Lorsey was just probably under the coop in the shade, I looked she wasn't there i looked just briefly in the coop, she wasn't there. So I looked in the nest box and there she was laying down in the nesting box!!!! I didn't disturb her I just left her be and we left. We came back about 6 hours later and there was a storm. After the storm I went out to check on the chickens with my mom to see if the inside of their coop got wet. While I was checking the run and the hens my mom says to me after shutting the nesting box lid
 "Ruthie Lynn, come over here and look in the nesting box" at first I thought something was wrong, but I went over there, opened the lid and I saw the most amazing thing. A small little brown egg!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! It was Lorsey, she laid they first egg! YAY for Lorsey!!!

I cleaned it off, and to me it was the most beautiful egg I ever saw! I am going to poke a hole in the end of it, and have the yolk drain out, and hang it on a string so that I can always have The First Egg.

Here are some pictures of the egg and me after I cleaned it.

This picture above is before I cleaned it.
To me even before I cleaned I thought 
it was pretty! You can see how big
it is compared to my sisters hand.

Here I am cleaning it.....

Here is the egg after I cleaned it.

Here it is all clean. ;-)

And here it is in the palm of my hand, that's how big it is
compared to my hand.

Well that is all, God bless.
Ruthie Lynn.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Chickens are outside!/Baby chicks are growing!

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!
We have brought the chicken coop out, and the big girls are in it and they LOVE IT!
We built a run out of hardware cloth that connects to the coop and it works really well. We would have the babies out too, but... well here's the story of why we DID NOT put the little ones with the big ones: we put the babies out just on the grass next to the run and coop, so that they could see each other but still be safe, we did that about everyday for about 4 days and then we decided to try it and let the big girls out with the littles. Well sad to say they pecked them, like not to much but enough for me chicken mama to say "Okay that is enough!" So we are going to wait until they are eye to eye with the big ones and can peck back, yes it is kinda sad that our big nice chickens could be so mean.:( But they are just saying "hey this is my coop and my coop only!" And they'll get over it and go "oh maybe I should be nice and let you in the herd," it just takes time. :)

So here are some pictures of the chickens and the coop outside!

 The big chickens outside pecking the ground and looking for worms! YUM!YUM!

Still out digging...

There is the coop! The big chickens have gotten SO big!!

Chickens by the coop!

There is the coop and run together!!

Close up on the coop through the run.

Me talking to Lucy/Ricky.
( We still don't know what it is she/he hasn't crowed yet!
We are puzzled!)

Here are some pictures of the babies! They also have gotten so BIG. It is hard to believe that those tiny 3 day old fluff balls are now 7 weeks! Can you believe it!
Well here's some pictures of them outside. (Not with the big ones. :)

Big Bertha and Sybil looking at Lorsey. :)

Above: Bertha walking around the coop.
It is so funny to watch the babies outside they think they are all that!
So funny!!!

Bertha and Ethel figuring stuff out. :)

Well I hope you all have a blessed day!
Blessings, Ruthie Lynn a.k.a Chicken mama. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meet the Babies!!!

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!!
Today I introduce you to three more little ones!!!
I got 2 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Black Star!!
They are so ADORABLE!!!
I could eat them up!!
So here are some pictures of them,

 Miss Ethel,  Feisty,Loud and an eater! Yet sooo adorable. :)
She is a Black Star is 4 days old.
She peeps really loud when you hold her, so we will always know her opinion on things. :) 
My mom picked her out and I have to say she picked well. :)
So take a peek at our lovely little Ethel!

On to the next!!!
Miss Big Bertha a.k.a Bertie,  Big, Sweet.
She is a Buff Orpington and 3-4 days old.
We aren't quite sure of her personality yet.
All we know is she loves the water!!
Like all babies her hobbies are: Eating, Sleeping, Drinking and Pooping. :)
Even if we don't quite know her personality she is such a love!!
So take a peek at Big Bertha ( Bertie )

Last but not least, I give you......
Miss Sybil,
Curious, Adorable and she likes the camera she even posed for J!!! :)
She also is a Buff Orpington and she is 3-4 days old.
When we were at the feed store getting them, I grabbed her first and as soon as she got in the box to bring them home in, she hopped out of the box on to the side of the box!! And for a little chick that's legs are about 2 inches tall that was a great leap of faith!!!
I absolutely LOVE HER!!
So take look at our dear little Sybil!!!

I think this is the cutest chicken picture ever!!
She really likes to pose!!!

Well those are my three more chicks!!
God Bless,
~ Ruthie Lynn ~

Thursday, February 9, 2012

First day Outside!!

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!!!
We decided to put the Chickens outside for a little while to see what they thought of it.
I put a couple logs around this one area so that we would have kind of a barrier so that if they did try to get out it would be easier to catch them. It really worked well, and they absolutely LOVED IT!!!
So J took a couple of pictures!!!

At first we decided to put them in the metal ring and see if they liked it,
they liked so we decided to take one out at a time as you can see in the picture above only two chickens are in there because we took Daisy out first.

She started to get lonely and loud so we took out Lorsey too.

We decided we wanted to try three at once so I got Lucy out, and we were thinking she would start running around, and showing how big and brave a chicken she is like she usually does,
but to our surprise she was nervous, and Lorsey our calmest chicken was even doing more then her.
And for the first time I could pick her up and she didn't fight me, she just sat and was like "Okay mom you can hold me" and I loved that!! :) But once she realized that all her peeps were with her  and that she was safe,she was back to normal.
I really like this picture above I smiled at her and she smiled back!!!

Lorsey and Daisy!

Lucy and L's feet!! :)

Lucy and Lorsey.

Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures!!!
God bless,
Ruthie Lynn a.k.a Chicken Mama.