Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meet the Babies!!!

Hi and Welcome back to The Chicken Coop!!
Today I introduce you to three more little ones!!!
I got 2 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Black Star!!
They are so ADORABLE!!!
I could eat them up!!
So here are some pictures of them,

 Miss Ethel,  Feisty,Loud and an eater! Yet sooo adorable. :)
She is a Black Star is 4 days old.
She peeps really loud when you hold her, so we will always know her opinion on things. :) 
My mom picked her out and I have to say she picked well. :)
So take a peek at our lovely little Ethel!

On to the next!!!
Miss Big Bertha a.k.a Bertie,  Big, Sweet.
She is a Buff Orpington and 3-4 days old.
We aren't quite sure of her personality yet.
All we know is she loves the water!!
Like all babies her hobbies are: Eating, Sleeping, Drinking and Pooping. :)
Even if we don't quite know her personality she is such a love!!
So take a peek at Big Bertha ( Bertie )

Last but not least, I give you......
Miss Sybil,
Curious, Adorable and she likes the camera she even posed for J!!! :)
She also is a Buff Orpington and she is 3-4 days old.
When we were at the feed store getting them, I grabbed her first and as soon as she got in the box to bring them home in, she hopped out of the box on to the side of the box!! And for a little chick that's legs are about 2 inches tall that was a great leap of faith!!!
I absolutely LOVE HER!!
So take look at our dear little Sybil!!!

I think this is the cutest chicken picture ever!!
She really likes to pose!!!

Well those are my three more chicks!!
God Bless,
~ Ruthie Lynn ~

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