Thursday, January 19, 2012

Growing up

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!!!
Today I was looking at my chicks, and I noticed how much they are growing!
So I had to take a few pictures....

All three of them eating away.
With Daisy on the left,
Lucy in the middle and Lorsey on the right.
 They are all getting their feathers!!
Miss Daisy, she is really getting her feathers!
She is still the daring one...
 Miss Lorsey,
She is becoming my favorite because she lets me hold her, and when the other chicks (or pullets:) start running around and are scared she just sits there and is calm.
Gotta love her :)
 And last but not least, Lucy.
We think she is a rooster.
Why? Well 1.She gives you the stink eye every time you go down there. (like in this picture)
2. She has a wierd peep like not a little "peep peep" but like a "PEEP PEEP".
and 3. Look at her comb in this picture it's really big and she is the smallest!!
So sad to say Lucy might just happen to be, a Ricky.
And also just to warn you all three of them don't just "peep PEEP" but they also "POOP POOP!"
I mean like a lot. Right now I have only three chicks and I have to clean it DAILY!
BUT- even with poop pick up I still LOVE being the Chicken Mama.
See ya next week.
Ruthie Lynn

Friday, January 13, 2012

Introducing: The first three

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!
Today I am delighted to introduce you to my first three chicks!!!

Here is Miss Lorsey a Rhode Island Red, Spunky yet Calm.
Her hobbies are: Sleeping, Eating ( a lot :) and sometimes she is brave enough to go on the little roost we put in their brooder box! And whatever Miss Lucy ( one of our other chicks she s coming next!) does, Lorsey does too. they seem to be best friends. 
So here are some pictures of Lorsey and me too :-)

Alright on to the next!
Here is Miss Lucy,  A Rhode Island Red,Trouble but Sweet.
Her hobbies are Eating, Slepping standing up until her head is so heavy her beak toches the ground and finally just lays down, Roosting, and sad to say but pecking too. 
So here are some pictures of our sweet little Miss Lucy:

She is our smallest chick.
We think that she is only 10 days.
The other two are at least 2 weeks.

And last but not least,
Miss Daisy the brave.
Miss Daisy really is the brave. As soon as we put the roost in the brooder, she was the first one to hop right up there.
And when we put the water and food in she drank and ate first. And she enjoys Drinking, Eating, and being the first at trying things.
And she has the most feathers out of all of them!

So here are a couple pictures of Miss Daisyand me again too :-).

Well those are the first three of my chickens.
Here are some pictures of all of them in their brooder:

Well those are my three little chicks!
Hope you have a great day.
God Bless,
Ruthie Lynn

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Here comes the coop!

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!
Lately I have been working on my chicken coop.
It's not quite done yet but I only have a little to go.
Go ahead and take a look!!!
  This picture above is the
back door where I will be able to put the water and feeder in.
 And that is the nesting boxes.
 And the roof on it will be one that we can lift up and get the eggs.

And that is the front.
 The chickens will go down the ramp(the ramp will not be that wide)
and it will lead down to a run.

And the front again! 
Also next week I am painting it red!
And the back of it again.
 And if you are wondering what the cord is that is 
sticking out, it is the heat lamp cord for the winter.

And the little window on the top is for air.
Well that is the Coop!
Have a blessed day! (">
~ Ruthie Lynn ~