Thursday, September 6, 2012

#1- 5 Eggs a day!/ #2- Happy Chickens! :)

Hi and Welcome back to the Chicken Coop!

#1-  5 Eggs a day

I am proud to announce that all of my chickens are laying!
So we get 5 eggs a day now!
I am so impressed with my girls!

Well here are some pictures of the eggs we got today!

Here are the 5 eggs we got today!
The egg on the far left is Daisy's then Bertie's
then Ethel's then Lorsey's and then Sybil's!
Above is Daisy's (left) compared to Bertie's (right).
Daisy's Eggs are taller and darker, Lorseys eggs
are taller an a little bit lighter than
Daisy's. Bertie's are lighter and rounder,
Ethel's are almost as tall as Lorseys
and are lighter almost white, and
Sybil's are round and darker.

Here is Daisy's (left) again compared to Ethel's (right)
It is so cool how created Chickens and their eggs!
#2- Happy Chickens!!
Some times we let are chickens out to forage in the garden, and it is SO funny to watch them!
So here are a couple of pictures of them foraging.

Bertie. Planning escape! :)
The Rhode Island Reds are so funny
to watch them forage!
Lorsey posing for the camera! :)
Happy Chickens.
 Daisy is so pretty in the green!

Ethel loves being in the mint! She is
so funny!
Sybil is so pretty!
Well hope you enjoyed!
God Bless,
Ruthie Lynn